Startup Stories

Puja Bhakoo – Founder, Tapestry-For-Charity

Figurative tapestries have been Puja Bhakoo’s passion since the commencement of her creative journey. As a child, she drew colorful portraits and human figures, exploring the nuances of facial expressions and the fluid choreography of the limbs and body. Today, her embroidery technique deftly creates a body language that sprinkles ardor, zeal, and emotions on abstracted figures, challenging a viewer’s imagination and interpretation.

While Puja’s Petit Point Tapestries focus on facial expressions and an interplay of colors, moods, and emotions, her contemporary series urge viewers to rise above their tendency to time-slot art and tie a figure to a specific style based on the muse’s sartorial affectations. Puja’s abstracted figures speak a non-verbal language that connects with the viewer at both an intellectual and visceral level.

Puja’s background in graphic designing and digital media has instilled in her a heightened understanding of how to create patterns and lay down a tapestry’s bones while remaining fluid enough to improvise as an artwork progresses. The artist perceives the world as interconnected and seamlessly designed, providing her ideas for various art series. An artist is very rarely accomplished in figurative and abstract styles — and recognized for doing justice to both.

In 2012, Puja Bhakoo took premature retirement from her advertising career to pursue her auxiliary interests, including embroidery, travel, music, and charity. She volunteered in different charitable organizations and also extended free designing support to various NGOs.

In 2015, not finding much success while looking out for funding options for a specific charitable activity, Puja Bhakoo decided to use her passion for embroidery to fund her charity mission. She then founded Tapestry-For-Charity — an initiative that utilizes proceeds from the sale of her tapestries to aid the education and rehabilitation of underprivileged children.

Tapestry-For-Charity’s core idea is to combine art with ecology, craft with creativity, and environmental sustainability with social responsibility.

Today Puja Bhakoo’s environmentally sustainable tapestries enjoy a global clientele and are showcased at some of India’s premium home furnishing stores. The artist also holds solo exhibitions of her artworks from time to time.

Every time someone buys a Puja Bhakoo Handcrafted Tapestry, an underprivileged child can live better. And that, according to the artist is the most fulfilling part of doing what she does.

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